Get healthier and connect with others in a variety of classes designed for older adults.

Class Schedule


AOA Strength Training

This strength training workout is especially for older adults, or anyone who would like to include a low-intensity, low-impact workout in their fitness plans.

Silver Sneakers® Classic

Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement, and activity for daily living skills. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles, and a ball are offered for resistance; and a chair is used for seated and/or standing support.

Water Aerobics

An instructional class of aerobic movements performed in the water to improve body conditioning, cardiovascular fitness, and flexibility.


Silver Sneakers is a valuable program provided by your health plan at no extra cost. It’s designed to encourage Medicare-eligible members to increase their fitness level. The program incorporates fun, social programming with an exercise program that enhances independent living skills. Silver Sneakers provides access to fitness equipment, group exercise classes, social networking, online education and a sense of community.

As part of your membership at the Greenpoint YMCA, you get:

  • Amenities such as fitness equipment, an indoor heated pool, locker rooms and sauna
  • Silver Sneakers classes designed specifically for older adults and led by certified instructors.
  • Fun, social activities

For more information, please inquire at the Member Services Desk at 212-912-2260.